VMware NSX-T Data Center: Install, Configure, Manage [V3.2]


Başlangıç Seviye
  • Eğitim Düzeni

    Genel Katılıma Açık / Kapalı Grup

  • Gün sayısı

    5 Gün

  • Eğitim Saatleri

    10:00 - 17:00

  • Önerilen Sınav

    VMware Professional NSX-T Data Center 3.0

Bu eğitim, VMware’e ait yazılım tanımlı veri merkezi çözümünün bir parçası olan VMware NSX-T Data Center ürününü incelemektedir.Bu eğitimde katılımcılar  VMware NSX-T Data Center özelliğinin nasıl kullanılacağı ve mevcut ortamlarda nasıl uygulanacağını görecektir.

Ayrıca bu eğitimde, genel altyapı, logical switching, logical routing, ağ ve güvenlik hizmetleri, micro-segmentation, güvenlik duvarları ve daha fazlası dahil olmak üzere NSX-T Veri Merkezi 3.0 sürümünde sunulan temel NSX-T Veri Merkezi özellikleri ve işlevleri ele alınır.


Ön koşullar
  • Switching ve Routing konularında bilgi sahibi olmak.
  • TCP/IP hizmetleri bilgisi.
  • VMware vSphere : Install, Configure, Manage eğitimine katılmış ya da eşit seviyede bilgi sahibi olmak.
  • Firewall ve Firewall komut setleri tecrübesi
Bu eğitimin sonunda katılımcıların aşağıdaki konularda yetkinlik kazanması hedeflenmektedir.
  • VMware Virtual Cloud Network ve NSX-T Veri Merkezi mimarisini tanımlama
  • NSX-T Veri Merkezi bileşenlerini ve ana fonksiyonlarını tanımlama
  • NSX-T Veri Merkezi’ nin temel özelliklerini ve avantajlarını açıklama
  • NSX-T Veri Merkezi altyapısını kurma ve yapılandırma
  • Layer 2 logical switching ve bridging yapılandırma
  • Tiered routing mimarisini açıklama ve gatewayleri yapılandırma
  • VPN ve load balancing gibi gelişmiş hizmetleri yapılandırma
  • Micro-segmentation ile NSX-T Veri Merkezi güvenlik modelini tanımlama
  • East-West ve North-South trafiğini korumak için Distributed Firewall ve Gateway Firewall yapılandırma
  • URL analizi, IDS ve partner service insertion ile gelişmiş güvenlik uygulamasını açıklama
  • NSX-T Veri Merkezi ile VMware Identity Manager veya LDAP’ ı entegre etme ve role-based access control yapılandırma
  • Switching, routing ve security için NSX-T Data Center Federation kullanım örneklerini ve mimarisini açıklama

•  Introductions and course logistics
•  Course objectives

•  Introduce VMware’s Virtual Cloud Network vision
•  Discuss NSX-T Data Center solutions, use cases, and benefits
•  Explain NSX-T Data Center architecture and components
•  Describe VMware NSX® product portfolio and features
•  Explain the management, control, data, and consumption planes and function

•  Describe NSX Management Cluster
•  Deploy VMware NSX® Manager™ nodes on VMware ESXi and KVM hypervisors
•  Navigate through the NSX Manager UI
•  Explain data-plane components such as N-VDS, transport nodes, transport zones, profiles, and more
•  Perform transport node preparation and establish the data center infrastructure
•  Verify transport node status and connectivity

•  Introduce key components and terminology in logical switching
•  Describe the function and types of L2 segments
•  Explain tunneling and the GENEVE encapsulation
•  Configure logical segments and attach hosts using NSX Manager UI
•  Describe the function and types of segment profiles
•  Create segment profiles and apply them to segments and ports
•  Explain the function of MAC, ARP, and TEP tables used in packet forwarding
•  Demonstrate L2 unicast packet flow
•  Explain ARP suppression and BUM traffic handling

•  Describe the logical routing function and use cases
•  Introduce the two-tier routing architecture, topologies, and components
•  Explain the Tier-0 and Tier-1 Gateway functions
•  Describe the logical router components: Service Router and Distributed Router
•  Discuss the architecture and function of VMware NSX® Edge™ nodes
•  Discuss deployment options of NSX Edge nodes
•  Configure NSX Edge nodes and create NSX Edge clusters
•  Configure Tier-0 and Tier-1 Gateways
•  Examine the single-tier and multitier packet flow
•  Configure static routing and dynamic routing
•  Enable ECMP on Tier-0 Gateway
•  Describe NSX Edge HA, failure detection, and failback modes

•  Describe the function of logical bridging
•  Discuss the logical bridging use cases
•  Compare routing and bridging solutions
•  Explain the components of logical bridging
•  Create bridge clusters and bridge profiles

•  Introduce the NSX-T Data Center security approach and model
•  Describe the micro-segmentation benefits and use cases
•  Describe the Distributed Firewall architecture, components, and function
•  Configure Distributed Firewall sections and rules
•  Describe the Gateway Firewall architecture, components, and function
•  Configure Gateway Firewall sections and rules
•  Describe URL analysis and distributed intrusion system importance and use-cases.
•  Describe the service insertion functionality for east-west and north-south security
•  Discuss the integration and benefits of partner security solutions with NSX-T Data Center

•  Describe NSX-T Data Center services
•  Explain and configure Network Address Translation (NAT) and NAT 64
•  Explain and configure DNS and DHCP services
•  Describe the load-balancing function, topologies, components, and use cases
•  Configure L4-L7 load balancing
•  Discuss the IPSec VPN and L2 VPN function and use cases
•  Configure IPSec VPN and L2 VPN using NSX Manager UI

•  Explain the importance and functionality of VMware NSX® Intelligence™
•  Navigate through the NSX Topology UI and identify the various key elements in the UI
•  Discuss the importance and use-cases of alarms and events

•  Describe the function and benefits of VMware Identity Manager in NSX-T Data Center
•  Integrate VMware Identity Manager with NSX-T Data Center
•  Integrate LDAP with NSX-T Data Center
•  Identify the various types of users, authentication policies, and permissions
•  Use role-based access control to restrict user access
•  Explain the built-in roles in VMware Identity Manager and role assignment to users

•  Introduce the NSX-T Data Center Federation key concepts, terminology, and use-cases.
•  Explain the onboarding process of NSX-T Data Center Federation
•  Describe the NSX-T Data Center Federation switching and routing functions.
•  Describe the NSX-T Data Center Federation security concepts and routing functions

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